
When our founder, Dorothy Holman, set up a museum in the sail loft attached to her house, she used many family possessions to start the collection. Her family donated items relating to the Estuary and Topsham’s ship building trade, while many residents in the town also contributed items. These, together with the contents of her house, still form the basis of our museum today. Loans from the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter as well as donations of items associated with Topsham also feature, and our collection includes many documents and photographs.

Please explore our collections – you will be surprised what you find!

Donating items

If you have an item you would like to offer, please contact us. A collections officer will then get in touch with you. Please provide as much information as possible about the object’s history, when and where it was made or collected, and who owned it. Sending us a photograph is really helpful. However, please do not bring items to the museum.