Our Mission


Our purpose is to provide a museum and a typical Topsham Merchant’s house of 1680-1750 that encourages visitors to explore the history of Topsham and surrounding area.


Collections: To collect, preserve, interpret and display Topsham’s heritage for current and future generations. To do so with sensitivity to the past but embracing changes in public expectations of museums including the use of technology.

Visitors: To attract visitors of all ages and backgrounds to the museum – to inform, entertain, educate and inspire them.

Education: To provide opportunities, resources and encouragement that help visitors of all ages learn about Topsham and its history.

Research: To make collections and archives available to researchers and visitors who wish to research local or family history. To produce publications that help to disseminate research.

Community: To form strong partnerships with local groups so that the Museum is seen as an important focal point in Topsham. To encourage local residents to actively participate in and engage with the Museum by becoming volunteers or members. Topsham Museum is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.  These values are central to our mission and we welcome visitors, members and volunteers from all backgrounds and experiences.

Management: To manage the operation and financing of the Museum in such a way that it attracts continuity of funding and ensures long term sustainability.

Ethos: To apply appropriate professional standard to all aspects of the Museum’s organisation, governance and collections management. At the same time to maintain the friendliness and ethos of a volunteer-run Museum, where the efforts of all are valued.