Restorations ~ Jan Update

Sadly, not particularly good news…

It is unlikely we will be able to open in April, as soon as the final subcontractors are on board we will be given a time schedule. It will then take us about 6 weeks to get everything moved ready to reopen. As soon as we have firmer dates, we will let you know you.

The Merchant’s House has had to be completely emptied (every cupboard, box and piece of paper removed!) and on 7th January the house was handed over to the contractors. This had to be done at short notice- a huge task for some of our volunteers.  This means we have no access to the Merchant’s House or garden until they finish. During the renovations the floors, panelling, stair rails etc will need to be protected, painting and cleaning will also be needed before we retake possession.

However, the Museum will still be vibrant during the renovations with displays in town, pop up events, and other exciting happenings that we do hope you will enjoy. More details of events, including Secret Gardens. so keep your eyes out for announcements on this website, on our Facebook page or on posters around the town.

Below ~ The bedroom looks a bit forlorn, stripped of furnishing, whilst outside the Museum appears to be in full sail.